YouTube – All Your History are belong to us
All Your History Are Belong To Us (Game Development History) Uncover the dirt behind your favorite video game franchises on “All Your History”.
Youtube – A visit to ID Software
This is a documentary produced by Employees of ID software in 1993.
PyongyangTrafficbots’s Channel
Major Kim Kun Son, 24. She is one of the 200 single beauties of the Pyongyang traffic brigade that control traffic on intersections with a dash-ing ballet.
YouTube – Minecraft Documentary HD | GameTrailers
Over the past year, the computer game Minecraft has become a cultural phenomenon, drawing millions of players into the unique, low-res world created solely by Swedish programmer Markus “Notch” Persson. When Persson announced that he would invest his Minecraft earnings in founding his own development house, Mojang, 2 Player Productions seized upon the rare opportunity to fly to Stockholm and document the first week in the life of the new studio.
YouTube – Before the “Real” Internet: Online was very purposeful
This is a mediawatch broadcast of the work I was doing in the early 90’s in using Bulletin Board System (BBS) technology for helping people. This was pre-internet commercial world. It was fun then, learning and networking. Today we now have “Social networking” in the Web 2.0 era
YouTube – BBS The Documentary
A brief collection of clips from one of the best documentaries of geekdom ever made.
Dood, verderf en koekjes me melk
Tegen mezelf babbelen was nog nooit zo leuk voor andere mensen.