NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE!
NASA is the only federal agency responsible for its people’s safety and well-being here on Earth and in space and has a longtime commitment to safety and emergency preparedness. Over the past year, Administrator Bolden has emphasized the importance of Family/Personal Preparedness for the entire NASA family. Family and personal preparedness plans are key to protecting our families and communities during potential emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorist attacks and other unforeseen catastrophes.
YouTube – ?Captain America: The First Avenger?
Behold the birth of the first Avenger
Valhalla Rising (2009) – IMDb
1000 AD, for years, One Eye, a mute warrior of supernatural strength, has been held prisoner by the Norse chieftain Barde. Aided by Are, a boy slave, One Eye slays his captor and together he and Are escape, beginning a journey into the heart of darkness.
YouTube – ?Giant Steps by John Coltrane?
This is what John Coltrane’s landmark tune and solo look like when they come to life on paper.
Bacon Ipsum | A Meatier Lorem Ipsum Generator
Short ribs ribeye ground round, beef ribs pancetta ham shank. Sausage tri-tip rump spare ribs pancetta, pig flank ham jowl chicken pork belly t-bone tenderloin. Flank spare ribs pork chop bresaola tongue, biltong beef ribs.
Barbie, het is uit
Barbie heeft een venijnig kantje: ze vernielt regenwoud in Indonesie en bedreigt zo de laatste tijgers, orang-oetans en olifanten. Alleen maar om zichzelf in een mooie verpakking te steken.